Sunday, September 28, 2008

Behind the Scenes - Stormtrooper Cake

The making of the stormtrooper cake:

I was taken by suprise that my fridends (almost) 4 year old asked for a stormtooper cake for his 4th birday. I though about it for a while and decided that I could make one, but it would take sometime and a practice cake before I felt comfortable to be able to pull this off and present to someone other than my coworkers to eat.

The practice cake helped when it came to doing the face. I quickly found out that forming the face out of cake was not easy and since the fondant was so heavy it was distorting what I build. So I quickly moved to Plan B. Rice Crispies! These worked great, and I used them for the base, the round sides and the face in the final cake.
(This was 1 1/2 have batches of rice crispy treats)

I decided to make 3 eight inch cakes and stack them as the head. 2 were marble and the top was chocolate. I filled the layers with chocolate pudding. Vanilla buttercream was then coated over all the rice crispies and the cakes.
Above you can see I had to add a fondant bridge for the nose. When I layed down the fondant, I had to do it in sections to allow for all the different shapes and different levels of white that made it look like a helmet.

I needed to make it look like the eyes were set into the helmet, so they were a few piece to give them depth and a more 'protective' look.